Thursday, February 26, 2009

In the Midst of Greatness

Due to my recent job change, I now work in beautiful downtown Ft. Worth. The building I'm in is The Fort Worth Club building and it's VERY high toned! There is a work out facility in the lower level that is "MEN ONLY". There is a lot of old oil money up in here. Also, there is a Hotel in a portion of the oldest half of the building. Part of that Hotel is meeting rooms and in one of those rooms today is the future Dallas area Super Bowl Media shindig/get-together. Most of the visitors are media types but there have also been quite a view high quality former NFL players. The Ticket (1310 AM) is broadcasting live during their mid-day show. While working at my desk listening to The Ticket online, BADD radio interviewed Roger Staubach AND Troy Aikman. Also in attendance was Rayfield Wright. I wish I could have broken away for a few moments and try for a pic or autograph. But alas, I'm a slave to the grind.