Rebuilding the motorcycle (1980 Suzuki GS850GL)
My wife bought this for me for Father's Day 2007 from her brother for $500. It (kinda) was in running condition at the time. I tried to improve it by replacing the leaking head cover gasket but it didn't help. I then decided to rebuild the engine, having never rebuilt an engine before. The fun part was the tear-down, obviously. I was careful to keep track of all the parts and where they came from.
So it has sat in my garage for at least the past 16 months. I now have been bitten by the bug again (spring time?) to get back to it. I'm going to try my hand at it until I get too over my head or frustrated. Attached are some pics of the current condition of the bike and also a pic of what it will hopefully look like in the future.
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